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Environmental Consulting 

Medicine Bow Resources Services

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Comprehensive environmental services...

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Medicine Bow Resources offers comprehensive environmental services in five integrated areas:


Hydrologic & Water Quality Investigations

Integrated project planning and implementation of hydrologic, hydrogeologic, water quality and contaminant transport investigations for remedial programs, and for regulatory compliance. Technical services include identifying pollutant sources, evaluating contaminant loading to water bodies and conducting contaminant transport studies. Integrated hydrologic modeling using the latest techniques in rainfall and runoff modeling, water surface profile and hydraulics modeling and sediment and contaminant transport.

Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies

Applied experience in conducting remedial investigations, developing and evaluating remedial alternatives and conducting feasibility studies, many on very high profile and politically sensitive projects. Technical services include contaminant loading and source identification, alternative development, project design related to water resources, Preliminary Assessments (PA), Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies (RI/FS) and project planning and management.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)

Planning and implantation of studies to support and comply with NEPA evaluations for proposed projects and resource development. Integrated study planning and implementation for water resources, including groundwater, water quality and aquatic resources. Extensive experience and knowledge in NEPA and CWA requirements for hard rock mining, placer mining, mineral and oil and gas projects.

Clean Water Act (CWA) Compliance

Combines extensive experience and knowledge of CWA rules and regulations, water quality standards and effluent limitation development to provide consulting services for water quality evaluations, permit applications and compliance under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) compliance and design of pollutant trading programs.

Mineral Exploration and Mining Support

Providing environmental services and planning for hard rock, surface, and placer mining projects, including oil shale and oil and gas resource development. Integrate all services and knowledge to assist in project planning, clarifying communications, streamline permitting, and to develop positive relationships with all agencies and stakeholders. Specialists in developing mine site water balances using stochastic or mass balance techniques.



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